I have and have had the great freedom and opportunity to explore and reconnect Multi-Wing Groups external environment with its internal environment. The opportunity has arisen from the global emphasis on our environment and regulatory requirements. I feel extremely privileged to have had the freedom to drive and become membership representative in all of the below groups and all the related dialogues I have had due to this outside these groups. And I feel privileged to meet and lean from so many extremely gifted and experienced people across industries and to speak the voice of niche manufacturers who also needs a voice and practical energy efficiency requirements towards governments.
As mentioned I have had the great honor and privilege to explore and connext to the knowledge and experiences of extremely gifted, experienced and dedicated persons involved with above networks and in relation to them and my companies existing and potential customers. Obviously, I would not be able to do what I do without them. However, at the same time I need to especially honnor my first true master Jørgen Rosted. He in connection with my first job spend hours and hours each week with me. He provided amazing framework conditions to explore and connext with his experiences and topics related to wealth, policy and especial Business Innovation Poliy with emphasis on creating fact based platforms for policy recommendations. The approach to Business Policy Innovation covered both how (traditional economic thinking) and what (etnograpy, sociology and psychology. A trulely amazing start and time of my working life.
Jørgen Rosted is a former development director of FORA - A research and analysis unit that was focused on innovation environments , the new era of innovation and the importance of entrepreneurship. He has worked with the development of political hypotheses and ideas for models and analyzes to test them . Jørgen Rosted has for many years been active in the development and discussion of future business policy , growth and innovation. He previously served as Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Industry (1994-2002) , Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Coordination , (1993-1994) and Chief Financial Officer in the Ministry of Finance . |