Well, Hitting the Creativity Wall is Over!
Discover the key to consistent creative flow with FlowState Innovation
Unleashing creative potential backed by brainwave data, our facilitation helps achieve a state as calm as or even calmer than meditation, optimal for creativity.
Disclaimer: The results are based on personal and initial user experiences and outcomes can vary from person to person.
Unleashing Your Team´s Creative Potential
Embark on a journey to unlock your team's creative flow. Transition from high-frequency busyness to the rich, creative state of low-frequency flow. Our approach is intended to guide you through brainwave optimization to enhance your team’s creativity.
Benefits from
Embark on a Transformative Experience
with FlowState Innovation Facilitation!
Discover the ultimate innovation method that you'll not only need but want to use time and again.
Our Step-by-Step Approach to Unleashing Creative Potential
To translate our philosophy into action, we've crafted a systematic method that empowers you to leverage your creativity for innovation. Here’s how we support your journey:
We kickstart the process by highlighting the critical role of strategic innovation. It's more than idea generation—it’s about cultivating the right mental state for creativity. We also guide you in recognizing and overcoming the barriers of insecurity and judgment that stifle creative thinking.
Embracing Diverse Thinking Styles
Innovation flourishes with diversity. Recognizing and utilizing various thinking styles and brain states are vital across the innovation journey. We help you and your team harness this diversity, adapting to each step of the process with flexibility and creativity.
Challenge Identification
Defining and prioritizing challenges is our next step. With our support, you'll pinpoint the key challenges that are both significant and solvable, setting a clear focus for your innovation efforts.
Fostering the Flow State
Our expertise lies in guiding you into a flow state—where creativity peaks and you’re deeply engaged in your work. By integrating brainwave data insights from preliminary studies, we strive to cultivate an atmosphere that may enhance the creative process, potentially matching the tranquillity achieved through traditional meditation practices.
Creating a Supportive Environment
We aim to create an atmosphere where exploration and expression thrive. By helping individuals tackle their insecurities, we foster an environment ripe for creative ideas and innovation.
(This step is contingent upon program selection)
We refine and shape solutions through continuous improvement and iterative loops. This premium program phase involves designing solutions that are both innovative and practical.
(Only available with a retainer service)
Transitioning from planning to action, we support the initial implementation through iterations and pilots, expanding to full-scale application as confidence and success build.
Integrated Approach for Real-world Application
Our holistic strategy combines coaching, strategic planning, FlowState facilitation, and innovation processes with practical team and project management. This ensures a structured, supported, and goal-aligned path to innovation.
Commitment to Courage and Creativity
At the core of our approach is the courage to explore, to face uncertainty, and to welcome the unknown. We are dedicated to guiding you through this journey, unlocking your potential for abundant innovation.
In Summary: Our approach demystifies the process of strategic innovation, making it accessible and actionable. Whether you're looking to spark individual creativity or ignite organizational innovation, our method provides a concrete, relatable path forward. Programs and support levels are tailored to meet your needs, ensuring that your creative journey is both successful and transformative.
Note: Specific offerings like Crafting/Designing, Launch support, preparations and reporting are dependent on program selection. Please contact us for more details on the programs available.
We kickstart the process by highlighting the critical role of strategic innovation. It's more than idea generation—it’s about cultivating the right mental state for creativity. We also guide you in recognizing and overcoming the barriers of insecurity and judgment that stifle creative thinking.
Embracing Diverse Thinking Styles
Innovation flourishes with diversity. Recognizing and utilizing various thinking styles and brain states are vital across the innovation journey. We help you and your team harness this diversity, adapting to each step of the process with flexibility and creativity.
Challenge Identification
Defining and prioritizing challenges is our next step. With our support, you'll pinpoint the key challenges that are both significant and solvable, setting a clear focus for your innovation efforts.
Fostering the Flow State
Our expertise lies in guiding you into a flow state—where creativity peaks and you’re deeply engaged in your work. By integrating brainwave data insights from preliminary studies, we strive to cultivate an atmosphere that may enhance the creative process, potentially matching the tranquillity achieved through traditional meditation practices.
Creating a Supportive Environment
We aim to create an atmosphere where exploration and expression thrive. By helping individuals tackle their insecurities, we foster an environment ripe for creative ideas and innovation.
(This step is contingent upon program selection)
We refine and shape solutions through continuous improvement and iterative loops. This premium program phase involves designing solutions that are both innovative and practical.
(Only available with a retainer service)
Transitioning from planning to action, we support the initial implementation through iterations and pilots, expanding to full-scale application as confidence and success build.
Integrated Approach for Real-world Application
Our holistic strategy combines coaching, strategic planning, FlowState facilitation, and innovation processes with practical team and project management. This ensures a structured, supported, and goal-aligned path to innovation.
Commitment to Courage and Creativity
At the core of our approach is the courage to explore, to face uncertainty, and to welcome the unknown. We are dedicated to guiding you through this journey, unlocking your potential for abundant innovation.
In Summary: Our approach demystifies the process of strategic innovation, making it accessible and actionable. Whether you're looking to spark individual creativity or ignite organizational innovation, our method provides a concrete, relatable path forward. Programs and support levels are tailored to meet your needs, ensuring that your creative journey is both successful and transformative.
Note: Specific offerings like Crafting/Designing, Launch support, preparations and reporting are dependent on program selection. Please contact us for more details on the programs available.
Unlock your creative potential with our FlowState Innovation facilitation services. Developed through personal application and participant feedback, our approach is tailored to spark a wealth of new ideas and facilitate focused relaxation. Integrating insights from preliminary brainwave data studies, we aim to create an atmosphere that enhances the creative process. Experience tranquillity that rivals traditional meditation practices.
FlowState Innovation Testimonals
I have participated in a flow state session with Sham Gabr from E&R and it was a session which gave me a deeper understanding of my personality. Sham Gahr was strong in his structure, and I got confronted with relevant and intelligent questions. During the session Sham Gabr give me confidence to open up for a difficult area and later I get useful and constructive feedback from him. General speaking I think a flow state session with Sham Gabr can open up for innovative ways of problem solving in corporate life and it could be very beneficial for employees on different organizational levels. Sham Gabr has my highest recommendations and hopefully a lot of companies will use his service.
Michael Kjær, managing director in Lead Performance II.
Original Testimonial (Danish):
Jeg har fornyligt haft en FlowState Innovation coachingsession hos Sham. Jeg er uddannet coach for mange år siden og vant til at blive coachet. Shams metode skiller sig positivt ud ved at være meget mere kreativ og dybdegående. Det var også en sjov og anderledes proces på en meget positiv måde. Jeg har aldrig prøvet noget lignende. Jeg kom med min problemstilling om at jeg får for mange ideer og det overvældede mig. Jeg så det hovedsagligt som noget negativt inden sessionen. Derfor blev jeg meget overrasket over at jeg undervejs i sessionen opdagede hvor mange positive sider det har og den frihed jeg lige pludselig oplevede. Jeg fik virkelig mange positive AHA oplevelser undervejs, og jeg huskede meget dejlige minder med min hest og en masse andre ting. Jeg havde efterfølgende svært ved at sætte ord på min oplevelse ud over jeg var meget mere glad og følte taknemmelighed og frihed. Jeg ser nu min forhenværende problematik på en virkelig positiv måde. Sessionen gav en masse gode reflektioner og jeg kom virkelig i kontakt med mig selv på et dybt plan. Sham er nærværende, empatisk, kreativ og god til stille de rigtige spørgsmål. Jeg kan varmt anbefale en session hos Sham.
C. D., Multifacetteret livsstilscoach
English Translation:
I recently had a FlowState Innovation coaching session with Sham. I was trained as a coach many years ago and am used to being coached. Sham's method stands out positively by being much more creative and in-depth. It was also a fun and different process in a very positive way. I have never experienced anything like it. I came in with an issue of having too many ideas, which overwhelmed me. I mainly saw it as something negative before the session. Therefore, I was very surprised to discover during the session how many positive aspects it has and the sudden freedom I experienced. I had many positive AHA moments along the way, and I remembered many delightful memories with my horse, among other things. Afterwards, I found it hard to put into words my experience other than that I was much happier and felt gratitude and freedom. I now see my former issue in a truly positive light. The session offered many good reflections, and I really connected with myself on a deep level. Sham is present, empathetic, creative, and skilled at asking the right questions. I highly recommend a session with Sham.
C. D., Multifaceted Lifestyle Coach